

location owner task
HB Hosterwitz WBB Bau & Beton GmbH leak testing of water chambers
HRB Lauenstein LTV Sachsen modification of the SWD measuring device
HRB Lauenstein LTV Sachsen conversion of alignment setting cones
Oberer Großhartmannsdorfer Teich LTV Sachsen reconstruction of the seepage line level with installation of level probes
TS Bautzen LTV Sachsen alarming of exceeding the measured value in seepage water shafts
TS Dröda LTV Sachsen repair alignment setting cones
TS Lehnmühle LTV Sachsen installation of extensometer measuring points
TS Saidenbach LTV Sachsen installation of level probes in the crown area
OB Wendefurth Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH automation of level and seepage water measuring points
Schönebeck Landesstraßenbaubehörde Sachsen-Anhalt installation of measurement technology in bridge pylon
TS Wippra Talsperrenbetrieb Sachsen-Anhalt equipment of double tube fixed point pillar
NS Söse Harzwasserwerke GmbH double tube fixed point pillar & mobile pillar plates
TS Oker Harzwasserwerke GmbH project planning renewal of measurement technology
TS Oker Harzwasserwerke GmbH delivery & installation of direct pendulumt & inverted pendulum & jointmeter
TS Oker Harzwasserwerke GmbH check vibrating string measurement
Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung delivery stinging level
Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung delivery of foundations for height object points
TS Weida Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung delivery precision pressure gauge
Enzinger Boden ÖBB - Infrastruktur AG installation of Telelot


location owner task
Bad Brambach Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement SAPOS-station
HRB Neuwürschnitz LTV Sachsen mounting water level gauge
HRB Niederpöbel LTV Sachsen new measurement technology
PSW Niederwartha Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH connection weather station
TS Carlsfeld LTV Sachsen direct pendulum plumbing
TS Lichtenberg LTV Sachsen measuring stick
TS Rauschenbach LTV Sachsen protective grille for drainage
TS Sosa LTV Sachsen reconstruction of vibrating strings measuring system
Hohenwarte II OB Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH automation of measurement technology
TS Schönbrunn Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung project planning work for floating solder
TS Zeulenroda Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung double tube fixed point pillar
TS Wendefurth Talsperrenbetrieb Sachsen-Anhalt reconnection of SWD sensors
OB Geesthacht Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH connection weather station
Fehmarnbelt Allsat GmbH repair of fixed point pillar network
TS Oker Harzwasserwerke GmbH project planning of a reconstruction
TS Söse Harzwasserwerke GmbH remodeling Telelot
Wolfsberg KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-AG delivery 8 stinging level & double consoles


location owner task
TS Bautzen LTV Sachsen Leachate warning system
TS Carlsfeld LTV Sachsen Alignment manhole
TS Neunzehnhain I LTV Sachsen barometer
HRB Hüttenteich LTV Sachsen Remodeling level measuring system
Festung Königstein Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement rock monitoring
TS Eichicht Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH Automation measuring equipment
Hohenwarte I Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH Remodeling measuring system
Hohenwarte II Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH Installation of joint gaps & hose balance bolts
Hohenwarte II Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH Automation measuring device
Schleuse Hessigheim Amt für Neckarausbau Heidelberg Installation measuring system
TS Schluchsee Schluchseewerke AG Repair measuring pillar
Alsleben Wasserstraßen und Neubauamt Magdeburg Installation of tear marks
HRB Wippra Talsperrenbetrieb Sachsen-Anhalt measuring equipment
TS Hasper Mark-E Aktiengesellschaft bottom hole pressure
TS Sengbach Stadtwerke Solingen GmbH Remodeling / repair leachate
Düsseldorf Keller Grundbau Pore water pressure online monitoring
Odertalsperre Harzwasserwerke GmbH Repair measuring pillar


location owner task
Schleuse Leerstetten Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Nürnberg New Lot and inclination measuring technology
Schleuse Bamberg Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Nürnberg New Lot and inclination measuring technology
Schleusen am Main-Donau-Kanal Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Nürnberg Extension of the measuring technology
TS Wisenta Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH crack meters measurement technology
TS Ohra Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung lancing level
Wahnbachtalsperre Wahnbachtalsperrenverband Delivery and installation inclination measurement technology
Neyetalsperre Wupperverband Delivery and installation of plumb line measurement technology
TS Witznau Schluchseewerk AG Delivery and installation of direct Pendulum and inverted Pendulum
TS Mettma Schluchseewerk AG Delivery and installation of direct Pendulum and inverted Pendulum
Innerstetalsperre Harzwasserwerke GmbH New building 2x double pipe pillars
Eckertalsperre Harzwasserwerke GmbH Marking
TS Lehnmühle Landestalsperrenverwaltung Sachsen Expansion of leachate detection


location owner task
TS Hohenwarte Vattenfall Expansion of boreholes to relief measuring points and SWD measuring points
TS Witznau und Mettma Werksgruppe Schluchsee direct Pendulum and inverted Pendulum, temperature measuring technology, sole water pressure measuring technology
HRB Neuwürschnitz LTV Sachsen Complete performance of building measuring technology (alignment and leveling)
PSW Markersbach Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH Delivery measuring technology
TS Sosa LTV Sachsen Repair of the wall crown
TS Burgkhammer Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH Renovation water level staff gauge
TS Brucher Wupperverband Reconstruction of inverted Pendulum
TS Jubach Wasserbeschaffungsverband Lüdenscheid Inspection and maintenance the lott system
TS Einsiedel und Neunzehnhain I LTV Sachsen New building and renovation of double pipe pillars with hoods
Wahnbachtalsperre Wahnbachtalsperrenverband Delivery and installation inverted pendulum
Zillierbachtalsperre Talsperrenbetrieb Sachsen-Anhalt Delivery and installation of pressure sensors
Odersperre Harzwasserwerke New development and production of a mobile cantilever KRAGEX model 1500
Dörnthaler Teich LTV Sachsen Conversion of measuring equipment
Sec dam IL FAUT s.r.o Direct pendulum borehole with surveying


location owner task
TS Oder Harzwasserwerke Reconstruction / New construction Measuring technology: 3x direct pendulum, 30x geodetic observation points, 3x fixed point pillars
TS Söse Harzwasserwerke Supplement measurement technology: direct pendulum / 2x Telelot
HRB Niederwürschnitz LTV Sachsen during construction: complete measuring technology
TS Schluchsee Werksgruppe Schluchsee Direct pendulum and inverted pendulum, extensometer
TS Alb Werksgruppe Schluchsee Direct pendulum and inverted pendulum, temperature measuring technology, water sole pressure measuring technology
TS Bautzen LTV Sachsen Reconstruction of the seepage level (65x lost vibrating wire transducer)
TS Grane Harzwasserwerke Geodetic measuring points / double pipe pillars
PSW HW II Vattenfall Reconstruction of distance measurement at the "Hangrohrbahn"
PSW Glems EnBW KW AG Supply of leachate measurement technology and sole water pressure measuring technology
TS Lohmühle PSW Vianden / Luxemburg Sole water pressure measurement technology
Trinkwasserbehälter DREWAG Dresden Monitoring stability of a chamber dividing wall partition
Verkehrsbrücke Stadt Magdeburg Monitoring of bridge parts by means of Invarextensometer


location owner task
TS Rauschenbach LTV Sachsen Reconstruction Metrology: 9x alignment points, 3x Invarstabextensometer, 3x inverted pendulum, 2x Invarbandextensometer, 5x direct pendulum
PSW Wendefurt Vattenfall New automation of seepage level and leachate measurement
HRB Rennersdorf LTV Sachsen conversion automatic leachate measurement, temperature measurement and water level measurement
TS Rauschenbach LTV Sachsen Renovation and new construction of measurement techology: u.a. Reconstruction: 60x SWD, 1x inverted pendulum, 5x electrical crack meters, 5x voltage measurement rebar
TS Lehnmühle LTV Sachsen Conversion / New building of water level measuring technology with penetrating wall bore


location owner task
TS Eichicht Vattenfall Reconstruction of SWD measuring technology
TS Söse Harzwasserwerke New construction of 13x joint gap measuring technology
TS Jubach Stadt Lüdenscheid Reconstruction of SWD measuring technology
TS Rohnsdorf Delivery measuring pillars
TS Oder Harzwasserwerke New building double-pipe pillar
HRB Mengelrode Thür. Fernwasser Installation of groundwater data logger
TS Walsburg Vattenfall Development and delivery of special assemblies for construction technology
OB Hohenwarte Vattenfall reconstruction of SWD measuring technology, reworking of hose scale
TS Ohra Thür. Fernwasserversorgung Reconstruction of geodesic landmark pillars
TS Tambach Thür. Fernwasserversorgung Reconstruction of geodesic landmark pillars
TS Zillierbach TB Blankenburg Installation of groundwater data collector
TS Wndefurt TB Blankenburg Delivery a plumb measuring, extension automatic measuring system
PSW Markersbach Vattenfall Clinometer special adaptation
HRB Glashütte LTV Sachsen New measuring equipment: 3x Alignements ball, 1x overflow hose scale, level gauge, 2x leachate, 2x double pipe pillars, 2x joint gap measuring device
HRB Neuwürschnitz LTV Sachsen Equipment groundwater measuring points
TS Cranzahl LTV Sachsen conversion of the automatic Clinometer measuring point
TS Göttwittwitzsee LTV Sachsen Delivery and installation a level measuring system


location owner task
TS Cranzahl LTV Sachsen New construction / extension measurement technology: 5x double destination mark, 1x automatic clinometer, equipment double tube fixed point pillar
TS Eibenstock LTV Sachsen Delivery / Installation Telelote
TS Schmalwasser Thür. Fernwasserversorgung Delivery / installation a double target mark
TS Hopfgarten Thür. Fernwasserversorgung Delivery and installation of data loggers
VS Rappbode TB Blankenburg 2-fold inclined target drilling from Krone to the inspection passage
VS Hassel TB Blankenburg 2-fold inclined target drilling from Krone to the inspection passage
TS Oker Harzwasserwerke Delivery / installation / reconstruction of geodetic measuring points
VS Oder Harzwasserwerke installation a wall-ball prisms, supply level gauge
HRB Lohra Delivery / installation of a level measuring system
HRB Gladenbach Delivery / installation of a level measuring system
PSW Geesthacht Vattenvall Analysis of the functionality of SWD measuring points
TS Herbringhausen Stadt Wuppertal Extension / conversion 2x inverted pendulum and 2x direct pendulum
KW Herdecke Stadt Hagen Delivery / Installation Sensors for measuring water quantity
Roseires Dam Sudan Supply of special measuring technology for SW and SWD measurement


location owner task
Erdbeben Chile Helmholtz Institut Delivery of Invarband extensometers with LVDT travel encoders
Dokan Dam Irak Coordination / Surveying inverted pendulum, installation inverted pendulum
Merowe Dam Sudan Delivery of larger quantities of adapted SW and SWD measuring technology
Schleuse Wusterwitz Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Design and delivery of reinforcing rebar with special integrated measuring technology
TS Spremberg Land Brandenburg Extension / delivery / installation of geodetic measuring technology as well as jointmeter and seepage water
NS Oker Harzwasserwerke Reconstruction of geodetic fixed points as well as delivery / installation of double target mark
TS Schönbrunn Thür. Fernwasserversorgung Delivery / installation of double target mark
TS Söse Harzwasserwerke Delivery / installation of GPS measuring technology in conjunction with direct pendulum and automatic data acquisition
TS Kelbra TB Blankenburg New construction of SWD measuring technology

further services

From 1995 to 2015, surveying were carried out on more than 50 inverted pendulum boreholes and the following necessary measuring technology was installed.